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Journal Publications (Recent Five Years)
Xia, Y., Filipov, E., Wang, K. W., 2024, “Deployment Dynamics of Fluidic Origami Tubular Structures”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 285, 109816.
Hathcock, M., Hou, R., Kovacevich, D., Popa, B-I., Wang, K. W., 2024, “Modulation of Dirac cones in phononic crystals with continuously varying lattice symmetry”, Physical Review Applied, 22, 064062.
Dorin, P., and Wang, K. W., 2024, “Embodiment of Parallelizable Mechanical Logic Utilizing Multimodal Higher-Order Topological States”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 284, 109697.
Rodriguez-Feliciano, R., and Wang, K. W., 2024, “Synthesis of a highly programmable multistable Kresling origami-inspired unit cell”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 284, 109768.
Liu, Z., Zhang, X., Wang, K. W. , Xu, J., Fang, H., 2024, “Data-Driven Modeling of Multi-Stable Origami Structures”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 220, 111659.
Zhang, Y., Deshmukha, A., Wang, K. W., 2023, “Embodying Multifunctional Mechano-Intelligence in and through Phononic Metastructures Harnessing Physical Reservoir Computing”, Advanced Science, 2305074.
Dorin, P., Khan, M., Wang, K.W., 2023, “Uncovering and Experimental Realization of Multimodal 3D Topological Metamaterials for Low-Frequency and Multiband Elastic Wave Control”, Advanced Science, 10(30), 2304793.
Liu, Z., Fang, H., Xu, J., Wang, K. W., 2023, “Cellular Automata Inspired Multistable Origami Metamaterials for Mechanical Learning”, Advanced Science, 2305146.
Li, Z., Agarwal, V., Wang, L., Wang, K. W., 2023, “On-Demand Tuning of Mechanical Stiffness and Stability of Kresling Origami Harnessing its Nonrigid Folding Characteristics”, Smart Materials & Structures, 32, 085025.
Yang, H., Fujii, Y., Wang, K. W., Gorodetsky, A., 2023, “Control Variate Polynomial Chaos: Optimal Fusion of Sampling and Surrogates for Multifidelity Uncertainty Quantification”, International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 13(3), 69-100.
Liu, Z., Fang, H., Xu, J., Wang, K. W., 2023, “Digitized Design and Mechanical Property Reprogrammability of Multistable Origami Metamaterials”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 173, 105237.
Liu, Z., Fang, H., Xu, J., Wang, K. W., 2023, “Discriminative Transition Sequences of Origami Metamaterials for Mechanologic”, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5(1), 2200146.
Lin, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, K. W., Tol, S., 2022, “Anomalous Wavefront Control via Nonlinear Acoustic Metasurface through Second-Harmonic Tailoring and Demultiplexing”, Applied Physics Letters, 121, 201703.
Dorin, P., Liu, X., Wang, K.W., 2022, “Emergence of Bilayer-Locked States and Synthesis of Elastic Wave Networks in a Programmable 3D Topological Metamaterial”, Applied Physics Letters, 120(22), 221703.
Kim, J., Harne, R. L., Wang, K. W., 2022, “Online Signal Denoising using Adaptive Stochastic Resonance in Parallel Array and its Application to Acoustic Emission Signals”, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 144(3), 031006.
Yang, H., Gorodetsky, A., Fujii, Y., Wang, K. W., 2022, “A Polynomial-Chaos-Based Multifidelity Approach to Efficient Uncertainty Quantification for Online Simulations of Automotive Propulsion Systems”, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 17(5), 051012.
Agarwal, V., Wang, K. W., 2022, “On the Nonlinear Dynamics of a Kresling-Pattern Origami under Harmonic Force Excitation”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 52, 101653.
Xia, Y., Kidambi, N., Filipov, E., Wang, K. W., 2022, “Deployment Dynamics of Miura Origami Sheets”, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 17(7), 071005.
Liu, Z., Fang, H., Xu, J., Wang, K. W., 2021, “A Novel Origami Mechanical Metamaterial based on Miura-Variant Designs: Exceptional Multistability and Shape Reconfigurability”, Smart Materials and Structures, 30, 085029.
Hathcock, M., Popa, B-I., Wang, K. W., 2021, “Origami Inspired Phononic Structure with Metamaterial Inclusions for Tunable Angular Wave Steering”, Journal of Applied Physics, 129(14), 145103.
Liu, X., Cai, G., Wang, K. W., 2021, “Dispersion Analysis of a Two-Dimensional Metastable Metastructure Considering Damping and Nonlinear Effects”, Journal of Applied Physics, 129(11), 114902.
Liu, X., Cai, G., Wang, K. W., 2021, “Reconfigurable Topologically Protected Wave Propagation in Metastable Structure”, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 492, 115819.
Dorin, P., and Wang, K. W., 2021, “Broadband Frequency and Spatial On-Demand Tailoring of Topological Wave Propagation Harnessing Piezoelectric Metamaterials“, Frontiers in Materials, 7, 602996.
Li, Z., Kidambi, N., Wang, L., Wang, K. W., 2020, “Uncovering Rotational Multifunctionalities of Coupled Kresling Modular Structure”, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 9, 100795.
Kim, J., Dorin, P., Wang, K. W., 2020, “Vibration Energy Harvesting Enhancement Exploiting Magnetically Coupled Bistable and Linear Harvesters”, Smart Materials and Structures, 29, 065006.
Kidambi, N., and Wang, K. W., 2020, “On the Dynamics of Kresling Origami Deployment”, Physical Review E, 101, 063003.
Zhao, J., Zhang, J., Wang, K.W., Cheng, K., Wang, H., Huang, Liu, P., 2020, “On the Nonlinear Snap-Through of Arch-Shaped Bistable Beams”, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 87(2): 024502.
Liu, X., Cai, G., Wang, K.W., 2020, “Synthesizing and Reconfiguring Metastable Modular Metamaterials for Adaptive Wave Propagation Control”, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 468(3), 115114.
Fang, H., Chang, T., Wang, K.W., 2020, “Magneto-Origami Structures: Engineering Multi-Stability and Dynamics via Magnetic-Elastic Coupling”, Smart Materials and Structures, 29, 015026.
Zhang, C., Harne, R.L., Li, B., Wang, K.W., 2020, “Harmonic Analysis and Experimental Validation of Bistable Vibration Energy Harvesters Interfaced with Rectifying Electrical Circuits”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 82, 105069.
Zhan, X., Fang, H., Xu, J., Wang, K.W., 2019, “Planar Locomotion of Earthworm-Like Metameric Robots”, International Journal of Robotics Research, 38(14), 1751-1774.
Fang, H., Li, S., Thota, M., Wang, K.W., 2019, “Origami Lattices and Folding-Induced Lattice Transformations”, arXiv:1811.10825 [], Physical Review Research, 1(2), 023010.
Wu, Z., and Wang, K. W., 2019, “On the Wave Propagation Analysis and Supratransmission Prediction of a Metastable Modular Metastructure for Nonreciprocal Energy Transmission”, Journal of Sound & Vibration, 458(13), 389-406.
Zheng, Y., Wu, Z., Zhang, X., Wang, K. W., 2019, “A Piezo-Metastructure with Bistable Circuit Shunts for Adaptive Nonreciprocal Wave Transmission”, Smart Materials and Structures, 28(4), 045005.
Zhang, C., Harne, R. L., Li, B., and Wang, K. W., 2019, “Statistical Quantification of DC Power Generated by Bistable Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters Driven by Random Excitations”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 442(3), 770-786.
Li, S., Fang, H., Sadeghi, S., Bhovad, P., Wang, K. W., 2019 “Architected Origami Materials: How Folding Creates Sophisticated Mechanical Properties”, Advanced Materials, 31(5), 180528.
Kim I., and Wang, K. W., 2019, “Electromechanical Impedance-Based Damage Identification Enhancement using Bistable and Adaptive Piezoelectric Circuitry”, Structural Health Monitoring, 18(4), 1268-1281.
Kidambi, N., Harne, R. L., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “Modular and Programmable Material Systems Drawing from the Architecture of Skeletal Muscle”, Physical Review E, 98(4), 043001.
Hassan, H., Semperlotti, F., Wang, K. W., and Tallman, T., 2018, “Enhanced Imaging of Piezoresistive Nanocomposites through the Incorporation of Non-Local Conductivity Changes in Electrical Impedance Tomography”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structure, 29(9) 1850–1861.
Thota, M., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “Tunable Wave Guiding in Origami Phononic Structures”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 430, 93-100.
Kim, J., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “Predicting Non-Stationary and Stochastic Activation of Saddle-Node Bifurcation in Non-Smooth Dynamical Systems”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 93(2), 251-258.
Fang, H., Chu, S.A., Xia, Y., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “Programmable Self-Locking Origami Mechanical Metamaterials”, Advanced Materials, 30(15), 1706311.
Liu, Z., Fang, H., Wang, K. W., and Xu, J., 2018, “A Parameter Identification Method for Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems and Its Realization on a Miura-Origami Structure”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 108, 369–386.
Wu, Z., Zheng, Y., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “Metastable Modular Metastructures for On-Demand Reconfiguration of Band Structures and Nonreciprocal Wave Propagation“, Physical Review E, 97, 022209.
Conference Proceeding Publications (Recent Five Years)
Zhang, Y., Wang, K. W., 2024, “A Magnetically Induced Multistable Metamaterial Realizing Programmable Elastic Waveguides”, AIAA SciTech, Orlando, FL.
Dorin, P., Wang, K. W., 2024, “Uncovering higher-order topological states in fractal mechanical metamaterials”, SPIE Smart Structures Non-Destructive Evaluation Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Zhang, Y., Deshmukha, A., Wang, K. W., 2023, “Experimental Realization of Physical Reservoir Computing-Based Mechano-Intelligence in Self-Adaptive Phononic Metastructures”, SPIE Smart Structures Non-Destructive Evaluation Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Rodriguez-Feliciano, R., Wang, K. W., 2023, “An Origami-Inspired Tensegrity Structure with Multistability”, SPIE Smart Structures and Non-Destructive Evaluation Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Hathcock, M., Popa, B-I., Wang, K. W., 2022, “Continuous Dirac Cone Evolution in Modulated Phononic Crystal”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2022-95839, Columbus, OH.
Zhang, Y., Wang, K. W., 2022, “Harnessing Physical Reservoir Computing in Nonlinear Mechanical Metastructures”, AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA.
Zhang, Y., Wang, K. W., 2022, “Enabling Mechano-Intelligence in Adaptive Structures utilizing Physical Computing”, SPIE Smart Structures and Non-Destructive Evaluation Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Lin, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, K. W., Tol, S., 2022, “Nonlinear Acoustic Metasurface for Simultaneous Higher-Harmonic Generation and Demultiplexing”, SPIE Smart Structures and Non-Destructive Evaluation Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Dorin, P., Liu, X., Wang, K. W., 2021, “Tunable Topological Wave Control in a Three-Dimensional Metastable Elastic Metamaterial”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2021-69410.
Agarwal, V., Kidambi, N., Wang, K. W., 2021, “Rotational Modular Metastructures for Cobot Impact Energy Absorption”, ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS 2021-67655.
Yang, H., Gorodetsky, A., Fujii, Y. and Wang, K. W., 2021, “Multifidelity Uncertainty Quantification for Online Simulations of Automotive Propulsion Systems”, ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2021-67585.
Xia, Y., Filipov, E., Wang, K. W., 2021, “The Deployment Dynamics and Multistability of Tubular Fluidic Origami”, SPIE Conferences on Smart Structures and Materials.
Hathcock, M., Popa, B-I., Wang, K. W., 2020, “On the Modulation of Origami Phononic Structure for Adaptive Wave Transmission in Brillouin Zone”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Virtual Conference, IMECE2020-24498.
Dorin, P., and Wang, K.W., 2020, “Enhancing Adaptable Topological Wave Bandwidth in Piezoelectric Metamaterials via Circuitry and Lattice Symmetry Control”, ASME 2020 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS), Virtual Conference, SMASIS2020-2292.
Yang, H., Kidambi, N., Fujii, Y., Gorodetsky, A., and Wang, K. W., 2020, “Uncertainty Quantification Using Generalized Polynomial Chaos for Online Simulations of Automotive Propulsion Systems”, 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), Virtual Conference, pp. 295-300.
Dorin, P., and Wang, K. W., 2020, “Reconfigurable Elastic Quantum Valley Hall Edge States in a Piezoelectric Topological Metamaterial”, SPIE Smart Structures/NDE Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems IX, Virtual Conference.
Liu, X., Cai, G., Wang, K. W., 2019, “Nonreciprocal Wave Transmission in Metastable Modular Metastructures utilizing Asymmetric Dual-Threshold Snap-Through,” ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS 2019-5572, Louisville, KY.
Kidambi, N., and Wang, K. W., 2019, “On the Deployment of Multistable Kresling Origami-Inspired Structures,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC2019-97427, Anaheim, CA.
Xia, Y., and Wang, K. W., 2019, “Dynamics Analysis of the Deployment of Miura-Origami Sheets,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC2019-97136, Anaheim, CA.
Dorin, P., Kim, J., and Wang, K. W., 2019, “Vibration Energy Harvesting System with Coupled Bistable Modules,” SPIE Conferences on Smart Structures and Materials, Denver, CO.
Yang, H., Kidambi, N., Wang, K. W., Pietron, G. M., Hippalgaonkar, R., and Fujii, Y., 2019, “Quantifying the Effect of Initialization Errors for Enabling Accurate Online Drivetrain Simulations,” SAE World Congress & Exhibition, 2019-04-0679, Detroit, MI.
Zheng, Y., Wu, Z., Zhang, X., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “A Piezoelectric Metamaterial with Bistable Circuit Shunts for Adaptive Non-Reciprocal Elastic Wave Transmission,” ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, SMASIS2018-7924, San Antonia, TX.
Kim, J., Dorin, P., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “Hybrid-Bistable Vibration Energy Harvester with Adaptive Potential Well,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2018-85635, Quebec City, Canada.
Fang, H., Chang, T., Wang, K. W., 2018, “Controlling Origami Stability Profile using Magnets,” ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2018-85712, Quebec City, Canada.
Kidambi, N., Zheng, Y., Harne, R. L., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “Energy Release for the Actuation and Deployment of Muscle-Inspired Asymmetrically Multistable Chains,” SPIE Conferences on Smart Structures and Materials, Denver, CO.
Wu, Z., and Wang, K. W., 2018, “Supratransmission in a Metastable Modular Metastructure for Tunable Non-Reciprocal Wave Transmission,” SPIE Conferences on Smart Structures and Materials, Denver, CO.
Recent Books and Book Chapters
R. L. Harne and K. W. Wang, Harnessing Bistable Structural Dynamics – for Vibration Control, Energy Harvesting, and Sensing, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN: 978-1-119-12804-5, 408 pages, 2017.
Li, S. and Wang, K. W. 2013 “Learning from Plants – Recent Advances in Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite based Multi-Cellular and Multi-Functional Adaptive Structures,” Plants and Mechanical Motion – A Synthetic Approach to Nastic Structures and Materials, invited book chapter, edited by Norman Wereley and Janet Sater, Chapter 6, pp. 115-140, ISBN-10:1605950432.
Wang, K. W. and Tang, J. Adaptive Structural Systems with Piezoelectric Transducer Circuitry, Springer, ISBN: 978-0-397-78750-3, 2008.